
Responses to 101 Questions on the Dead Sea Scrolls is unavailable, but you can change that!

What are the Dead Sea Scrolls? What is Qumran and what relation do the Dead Sea Scrolls have to it? Where are the scrolls today? How do the authors of the scrolls conceive of God? What do these scrolls tell us about first-century Judaism? Does the title Son of Man occur in the Scrolls? Joseph A. Fitzmyer tackles these and many other questions that people ask about the discovery, contents, and...

from these caves and because of the nature and importance of the documents that have come from them. Though about 273 holes and caves in the cliffs along the northwest shore of the Dead Sea, from Ḥajar el-ʾAṣbaḥ (=Hebrew ʾEben habbohen, or “the stone of Bohan,” Josh 15:6) to Ras Feshkha, a stretch of about eight kilometers, were scoured by archaeologists (10–29 March 1952), artifacts showing habitation of the caves were found in only 39 of them; of these, 25 caves had artifacts and pottery similar
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